The only committment-phobic woman in America

So while discussing my doubts about moving in together, my boyfriend, "Stewart," told me that I was "the only woman in America who is terrified by committment." We kind of laughed about it (we don't really fight when we argue, we tend to say stupid things that make us laugh), but it's kind of true. Months ago I was the one to bring up us moving in together. Then we even scheduled a week of vacation to clear out my house and move stuff into storage so he could move in. But then I said "I don't know if I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Of course, moving in doesn't mean that but it's a step in that direction. And even when we started dating it took me 6 months before I could even admit I was his girlfriend, let alon say "I love you."
So what's my problem? Is anyone else out there terrified to get married, move in, or even say "hey, I'm your girlfriend?"
Leave a comment, share your story. Please be kind :)
